How To Boost Your Attention Span In 30 Days Or Less

Wouldn't you like to double, triple, or even quadruple your attention span for higher productivity, better results, and more guilt-free leisure time for yourself? As you read on, I'll explain just how you can get it done simply and conveniently. Plus, I'm going to give you a neat attention span expanding brain exercise to get you started.

What Attention Span Means

Mental Concentration is the primary brain function you can train in order to gain increased power, endurance, and flexibility of mind. The simplest approach to stronger, task-oriented concentration is to boost your attention span, which is commonly understood as the duration in which you can hold your mind onto a single activity without allowing your attention to wander. Fortunately, building up the duration of your targeted attention isn't complex or difficult, as you'll see here.

What Longer Attention Span Does For You

Concentration serves as a working muscle that you can exert with the same intentional effort used in flexing any physical muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes, and the stronger you become, mentally. You can demolish nearly every mental weakness with this skill alone, making your mind tough and resilient. By boosting your attention span, your mind is forged into a razor-sharp instrument that cuts through distraction like a white-hot laser beam through butter.

In the process, you learn how to naturally, easily collect your wandering attention and aim it only at the things that matter. When the full force of your concentration is targeted onto a single objective, it is like a diamond-tipped drill backed by heavy-duty equipment, because nothing can withstand its penetration. Better mental control through a longer attention span makes your thinking clear, precise, and deeply creative as it broadens your native intelligence.

How To Boost Your Attention Span

Just as a dedicated jogger gains more endurance, stamina, and strength to run longer distances by the practice of running regularly (slightly increasing the extent of their effort, periodically), you can drastically improve your attention span by regular practice of holding your attention on a task, using a stopwatch or timer and taking detailed measurements of how long you are able to do so (how long before your mind goes off track). With each training session, your approach should be to intentionally manipulate yourself to remain steady on your target activity for slightly longer than your previous attempt. For your own benefit, you must be totally honest in recording your endurance times, so that you can keep an accurate record of your progress.

With proper technique, and a commitment of about 30 minutes daily of attention span training, you can expect to double, triple, even quadruple (or better) your attention span within a 30 day period. To get started right away, practice the following brain training exercise.

A Brain Training Exercise To Boost Your Attention Span

This attention expanding technique is called Dynamic Reverse Reading Aloud and is based on the Neuro-Sculpting approach which strengthens the connective structures of your brain cells for more brainpower. You will need a reasonably thick book to read and use a stopwatch or timer to measure duration. Have a piece of paper and a pencil with you to list performance times and jot down notes about what you experience. For the first few weeks, complete the exercise in a location where you can be alone, during a time you won't be disturbed by anyone. When you've developed plenty of confident control and want to accelerate your progress, conduct the exercise in a noisy environment.

Turn to the last page of the main text and begin to read aloud, word by word, backward. For example, if the sentence is, 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog,' you are to read aloud clearly and distinctly, "dog lazy the over jumped fox brown quick The." You can do the exercise for 5, 10, 15 or more minutes according to your comfort, but if you find your attention wandering at any point, stop the exercise and note the amount of time you were able to successfully engage prior to having gone off track.

Set yourself a 30 day goal of being able to hold your attention on task without interruption for 30 minutes straight. Reaching that level of skill ensures that nothing can stop you from focusing on whatever you want to focus on for as long as you need to.

My name is T. Lavon Lawrence and I'm the lead training and content provider for and The Mental Training Blog. Designer of the NEURO-SCULPTING!™ Mental Exercise Brain Training System, the INDISTRACTIBLE!™ Mental Training System, and founder of Dynamic Mental Fitness Training Systems, providing Attention Control, Thought Control, Impulse Control, Mental Concentration, and Mental Focus Training for select Individual Clients, Groups & Organizations. I'm also an admitted, unabashed, stark raving fan of "Direct Method" brain training approaches that have a proven, scientifically-researched track record of effectiveness, bringing you a long list of benefits as well as improved cognitive skills development entirely applicable to every area of your life. The NEURO-SCULPTING!™ and INDISTRACTIBLE!™ systems "Direct Method Brain Training" philosophy has been used by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Since you've taken the time to read this, let me reward you with a ton of free training! Go on over to our website and enroll at no cost. You'll be glad you did.

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